I like to rethink issues that are unwanted yet persist. I believe that the best solutions come from looking newly at old problems that won’t go away. Most intractable issues remain stuck due to the notions of scarcity, no solutions and inevitability.
Fare and Fowl
Political essays by Leonard "Red" Balaban
Saturday, June 1, 2019
Why We Can't Get No Satisfaction
I like to rethink issues that are unwanted yet persist. I believe that the best solutions come from looking newly at old problems that won’t go away. Most intractable issues remain stuck due to the notions of scarcity, no solutions and inevitability.
Monday, July 9, 2018
Supreme Injustice
Monday, June 1, 2015
Balaban & Cat!
The other item was forwarded by my cousin, David Balaban. David produced this half hour cable news show documenting the genesis and inside scoop on the club back in 1980. It's really great to hear Red and his compadres discuss the club, Eddie Condon and the world of jazz in NYC from that time. Watching this, I can feel the energy and excitement of the club...I hope you will take the time to listen and watch these.
By the way, there will be an evening of jazz at the Neighborhood Music School in New Haven, CT on July 28th. I hope you can make it there.

Good times.
Monday, April 27, 2015
Who Dat Sound-Podcast #32 featuring Eddie Condon's and the Commodore-Red Balaban
Sunday, December 29, 2013
End of an Era-Final Post to Fare and Fowl Blog
know there will be no more Fare and Fowl entries to follow. Dad passed away
at 9am est this morning. His last days were peaceful.
He'd been in the hospital for a week and we knew he was fading, but we also
expected at any moment for him to come out of it and start demanding to be
let out of the hospital immediately.
We are making arrangements. We will be having a funeral in the on Sunday January 5th in West Haven or New Haven, followed up with a, yet to be determined, memorial celebration. We
would like to know who among you would be interested in an invitation to
Both events will be held in or near West Haven, Ct.
Please respond to this commodoreljb@gmail.com (Red's email that I will be monitoring) or my email at cosmo46@earthlink.net or call Micki(my mom, Red's wife) at 203-934-5186.
Thank you for reading and following this blog.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Friends and Frenemies
Leonard "Red" Balaban
(note-Leonard is home from the hospital and recovering. He finally got back on the computer and put this together for his friends and readers. Please feel free to send him an email to see how he's doing.
commodoreljb@gmail.com )
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Not Again
Yes, I’m afraid it’s more about the Affordable Care Act. After all that’s the big news these days, unless you’re fixated on George Zimmerman’s latest escapades, so here’s the latest on what I, and some of the public may have learned since my last version.
Barack Obama was not lying when he said that people could keep their insurers and doctors if the ACA became law.Whatever policies were in place when the law was passed, even if they had sky high deductibles and extra limits to the people and conditions covered, were grandfathered from having to meet the higher standards set by the ACA. Of course premiums can change, insurers can terminate policies or simply go out of business and doctors can retire or die. But that’s always been par for the course.
The only policies subject to cancellation were written during the three years after the law was passed and before it took effect that didn’t meet or weren’t modified to meet minimum ACA standards. Obama has just extended the deadline for compliance an additional year. Surely insurers worth their salt knew that these contracts had a limited life and had an obligation to inform their prospective clients all of whom may not have read the “small print” in the law, although given the direct stake of consumers in this legislation the small print is deceptively bold.
While some of the holders of these inferior policies have been duped by unscrupulous insurers I strongly suspect many of the “victims” are plants, the more pathetic the anecdotes the better. Some of them are ringers. I saw two of these poster boys in business suits on Fox, where else, pleading personal hardship who were later identified on MSNBC, where else, as corporate executives.
Republican spin masters have been referring to this scenario as “Obama’s Katrina,” a bit of a stretch to equate a malfunctioning website and deadly storm in the Gulf of Mexico. Then too this president’s has yet to say to Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sibelius, “Katy, you’re doing one heckuva job.”