The media, or more precisely the folks who run the media, have done it again. Just the other day the news was dominated by some foreigners, or people looking like foreigners, who decided to build an Islamic community center two blocks from Ground Zero. Lucky us, and just when we thought we’d be limited to ho hum palaver about things like Congressional Elections, the economy and environmental disasters.
Well, again they did it again. The hottest news now is about a holy roller preacher in Florida who let the purveyors of “information” know that he and his congregation of fifty plan to burn a hundred Korans on the ninth anniversary of 9/ll. That comes out to two Korans per parishioner. I hope they’re getting a discount.
The possibilities in this field are mind boggling and lead to the thought that there could be gold in them thar Korans. Burning two of them could become a litmus test of Tea Party loyalty. Medals could be passed out to be worn alongside lapel flag pins. With colder weather on the way they could be sold as material for the fireplace to be used as logs or the pages as kindling. Maybe they could be made into fireworks, a fitting gesture for the Fourth of July. Enough militant Judeo Christian types could spawn an industry which would be a non-governmental economic stimulus and a show of patriotism to boot.
Oh how I ramble! Now I know how a boggled mind feels. On second thought I’ll just give aspiring printers of the Koran this advice. Pay no attention to that Petraeus fellow, whatever is said about you, be sure your name is spelled right and it couldn’t hurt to hire an agent named Murray.
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