Thursday, March 1, 2012

First Things First

How many Tea Party Democratic members of Congress can you name? The answer is probably none.  I only pose this question because I’m about to contrast the roles of Tea Party and establishment Republicans and want to acknowledge at least one thing they have in  common, they vote the same.
As to differences, the Republican establishment is the reason for the party’s being and has traditionally been driven primarily by financial concerns, taxes in particular. The Tea Party people, throwbacks to the John Birchers, are more concerned with cultural considerations such as public prayer, homosexuality and abortion.
The establishment consists mainly of Wall Street and “country club” Republicans. The two often overlap because of a common interest in accumulating great wealth and belonging to country clubs. These are the people who in the final analysis call the shots, in Willie Sutton’s words “because that’s where the money is.” But they can’t ignore Tea Party concerns because they need those votes, so Republican verbiage is replete with lip service to some outlandish cultural causes.
Lip service is as far as it goes. When push comes to shove these issues get the short end of the stick. The preservation of the Bush tax cuts and whatever allows Warren Buffet’s income to be taxed at a lower rate than his secretary’s, are more important to the people who count than anything on the Tea Party agenda. This is where the party’s full attention and resources are directed.
A case in point is the Party’s vocal opposition to anything abortion related. Roe v Wade could be overturned by another Supreme Court decision as Plessy v Ferguson in 1896 was by Brown v Board of Ed in 1954. Today’s Court is more sympathetic to right wing causes today than it was for Roe in 1973. But the last thing Karl Rove and company want is a reversal of Roe v Wade which has been a blessing to Republicans in firing up their base. Talking the talk has sufficed for the worker bees so far.
So if you hear Mitt Romney speak far righteously on evolution you can figure he probably doesn’t mean it. But when he speaks on fiscal matters pay attention because he’s true blue, purebred, every inch Republican establishment. And on the way out check your wallet.

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