Friday, November 2, 2012


This is probably the last of these opinion pieces until after the election. We’ve had a hurricane in these parts that has distracted us a bit. My wife and I have had a few minor inconveniences one of which is the loss of TV. This deprives us of the insight from some bright minds, but may be a blessing in disguise. As a sports fan, when it comes to the 9th inning or two minute warning I’m much more concerned with what’s happening on the field in close games than the commentary from the TV booth. Polls come closest to being our only view of the playing field. As to what effect an “act of God” is having on the election, the prevailing wisdom that I get from the Times is that Obama is benefitting. In any event the storm has made a pretty good case for federal government.

I’ll conclude this effort briefly by mentioning one of several reasons why I’m voting for Barack Obama, which by itself is no surprise. There’s no questioning that he has obligations to interests antithetical to those of the nation. That’s the nature of the beast that is our political system. Every president in recent history has compromised to a degree, but none have faced the pressure that this president has, particularly now with the monumental consequences of Citizens United. To fairly compare him with the alternative, one has to keep a sense of proportion, the lack of which has been a main weapon and soft underbelly of much, if not most of Republican polemics. To any unbiased observer there would be no doubt that the candidate of the Republican Party is obligated to more and bigger money hoarders, of whom he is one, than Barack Obama.

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