Saturday, March 27, 2010

Enough Is Too Much

Several days after the right wing incivility began we are starting to hear about similar cases by the other side. Under normal circumstances one wouldn’t expect this sort of reaction from the winners. I remember a runoff in a Florida gubernatorial primary in which gunshots were fired at the loser’s office the day before the election. I’ve always felt that this incident was contrived. This may not be the case in the firing of shots at Eric Kantor’s window. But it is within my perception of the ethics of this bill’s opponents. I confess to partiality in considering this sort of deception  beyond the pale for its proponents.

This behavior has been exacerbated by statements from the head of the RNC and from a former vice presidential candidate who urged the faithful to “reload” and unveiled a map superimposing cross hairs of a gun sight on the districts of presumed vulnerable congressional opponents.

Acts ranging from blatant incivility to criminality may not be committed by those at the top. But there are past and present public officials in a position to directly cause and possibly prevent them by others. Statements by top Democrats in both Houses have been unequivocally unequivocal. What is needed is a single statement on which leaders of both political parties agree. Timing is important. If we wait too long somebody could get hurt.

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